2011-12-03 - Lakewood - Glen Hills - Hollinridge Ramble with Jennifer

^z 29th January 2023 at 10:16pm

~12 miles @ ~10.3 min/mi

Jennifer Weiland shows me a new route to run today, and along the way I fall down and scrape my knee — though it takes some photographic work to get it to look even slightly ugly. I'm looking over my shoulder as we trot along the shoulder of Glen Rd, and trip on a pothole.

On the way out to Jennifer's home the Lady Gaga song "Edge of Glory" is on the radio, and I remember hearing it with Jennifer during her great Marine Corps Marathon a month ago. Cara Marie Manlandro is ill and can't join us, so we swing by her home to drop off Italian beer and inspirational reading material (a spare copy of Paula). Jennifer's bruised ankle from the MCM is mostly recovered, but she suffers from a stitch in the side much of the day. She blames it on chocolate brownies last night.

We start and finish at the Thomas Farm Community Center, which I last visited during a solo run (2011-08-17 - Rockville Millennium Trail). Jennifer's loop takes us down narrow country lanes and over rolling hills through nice neighborhoods. An early-morning traffic accident at an intersection summons a speedy ambulance. We jump off the road to avoid being new victims. |

(cf. GPS trackfile, ...) - ^z - 2011-12-13